Category Archives: Vending Machines

Examples of Some of the Most Unique Vending Machines

Not every vending machine is the same! While most of the vending machines you see around office buildings probably feature generally the same sorts of items, there are plenty of examples all over the world of unique equipment, either when it comes to the products they carry or the design and function of the machines. […]

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Advantages of Having a Workplace Vending Machine

Everyone loves having a vending machine in their workplace. Vending machines provide a quick and inexpensive way to enjoy a snack or drink. Some vending machines even dispense coffee, which is almost essential when you work in an office setting. If you’re looking for a great way to keep your employees happy, consider investing in […]

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Vending Machines Through the Years

Everyone has visited a vending machine at some point in their life. Those tall machines full of snacks and drinks always seem to be there when you need them. But have you ever wondered about the history of that vending machine in your school or office? Vending machines actually have a long and interesting history […]

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Maximize Your Vending Profits with Proper Machine Maintenance

While vending machines are one way to avoid traditional employee labor costs, they can also prove to be a large expenditure. This is especially true if they’re continually breaking down or malfunctioning. Launching a successful vending machine business means you need fully functional machines that will continue working for years to come. Every time a […]

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Tips for Securing Your Vending Machine

The fact is that keeping your vending machine secure is vital, but it may not be as easy as you think. Insurance companies may consider them to be liabilities, as they act like small safes, holding plenty of money and product. This makes them a target for thieves, who will break in and steal from […]

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